As imbroglio after imbroglio embroil the Bush Administration, from prisoner abuse scandals to mishandling of the economy, it gets me wondering about John Kerry.
Now, I'm a Kerry supporter. I am firmly behind John Kerry's ascent into the White House come November, and hope and pray that it's going to happen. From what I have read of him, I believe he's a good man with strong principles and a desire to do what is right for the American people.
The only thing that really worries me as the election draws nearer is that the Average American doesn't have the faintest idea of who John Kerry is.
Here in Seattle, we've been getting plenty of Bush and Kerry ads on the TV. Mostly the Bush ads are slamming Kerry for "flip-flopping" or the perception of that. The John Kerry ads trumpet Kerry's military service, commitment to his comrades and courage.
But what is the real John Kerry like? He hasn't really come out and said anything concrete about how he would fix the economy, or how he would handle the war in Iraq. We know very little about his personal belief structure and his leadership skills.
The thing that concerns me about this is, come the election, Average Joe will get his ballot, be faced with the choice between Bush and Kerry and think "Well, better the devil you know" and vote for Bush. Notwithstanding the fact, of course, that polling indicates a much stronger position for Kerry than Bush.
Stop and think about it a minute. A lot of people who say that they are going to vote for Kerry say that they would vote for "anyone but Bush". If these people are intelligent (and I know that's expecting a lot of the average American -- hehehehe) then once they are faced with a ballot, they'd have to think about who they are actually voting for instead of Bush.
What's the solution? I guess Kerry really needs to get himself out there and tell everyone who will listen who he is, what he believes in, stop harping on Bush's National Guard fiasco and concentrate on how he's screwing up the USA right now. Personally, I don't give a rat's arse whether or not Bush fulfilled his duties during the Vietnam war -- I mean, it is an indicator of the lack of moral fibre and courage he has, but not much else -- but I do care about how Bush and his administration have royally f-ed over Iraq, bungled the prisoner abuse scandal, raped the surplus and screwed over the American worker.
So, come on John Kerry, show the USA who you are and get them to love you and make sure that they will vote for you in November!