Published on April 21, 2004 By Joel Hynoski In Blogging
I've got that Strong Bad Grammar song going through my head.

Do you know the one? It's the one he sings during the "Local News" email, and you can play again and again and again at the end of the email when you click on the CD?

By now you're in one of two camps:

1. Who or what the hell is Strong Bad?
2. What the hell is grammar?

Let's take this one thing at a time. To view Strong Bad in all his glory, go to and click on "sb emails" at the bottom of the page. I thoroughly recommend wasting your time on this site.

Apart from Strong Bad, there is the Teen Girl Squad, which is amazing.

The song that's going through my head is: "Ohhhhh, if you want it to be possessive, it's just "ITS" but if you want it to be a contraction then it's "IT-APOSTROPHE-S"...scalawag!"

I work at Pure Networks, and we make home networking software. The reason why this song is going through my head is that we get support requests from people all day long who are semi-, sub- and illiterate. Everytime I get an email for support where someone asks: "My computer rebooted and lost all of it's data" (sic) or "I love you're (sic) software", the song goes through my head.

Well, in the last case, the song that goes through my head is the classic "Y-O-U-R...Y-O-U-APOSTROPHE-R-E...they're as different as night and day. Don't you think that night and day are different? What's wrong with you?"

And if I have to explain what grammar, is...well, I'll leave that particular rant to another blog entry.
What's wrong with you?

on Apr 21, 2004
Hello, fellow Homestarrunner fan...I love that site. It can be incredibly silly but a source of good, fun humor anytime.

on Apr 21, 2004
on Apr 21, 2004
My biggest pet peeve?

loose vs. lose.

For all who are not aware that these are, in fact, two different words:

loose - adj. The opposite of tight.
"The bolt to his muffler was loose and when he hit a bump it fell off."

lose - verb. To misplace something. To not win a contest.
"If I'm not careful, I'm going to lose my keys."
"The Cubs are going to lose because they are cursed."

-- B
on Apr 26, 2004
Here here, Mr. Frog! And I knew what both Grammar and SB are! I have so many favorites. Techno music... Trogdor... Teen Girl Squad... Caffeine to Strong sad...

This might be sad from an English major...

My pet peeve? (okay, one of many.) Lecturn vs. Podium. Learn the difference for the love of God!