I have a huge problem here in Seattle. You can all let me know if there is any correlation with the rest of this fine country of the USA, but all I have experience with is in Seattle.
Car manufacturers here could save buckets of money just by removing the indicators (blinkers, signals, whatever the hell you want to call them!) from vehicles here. No one uses them! Not to turn left, not to turn right. They plain do not use them. I feel like running broadside into them with my car just to teach them a lesson!
I guess it's hard to indicate when you have a cell phone in one hand and a latte in the other, but still.
The most annoying part of it is that no one (as far as I can tell) gets ticketed for not indicating. In Australia, especially in Sydney, I know for a fact that if you fail to indicate you get a ticket. I know this because I KNOW people who have been ticketed for this infraction. Why bother having a law if you don't enforce it?
OK. That's off my chest. At least until my drive home this evening.